Fureya (Füreya-Cumhuriyetin İlk Seramik Sanatçısı)

Hello, again! 

Here is our last book: “Füreya – Cumhuriyetin İlk Kadın Seramikçisi” There is no translation about that book, yet. Hope somebody will translate that beautiful book and introduce it to foreign readers! But before, let’s have a look at book, here is the information…

"About The Book"

* Written by Ayşe Kulin & in 2001 / İstanbul
* Genre: Biographic Novel
* Publisher: Remzi Bookstore
* Language: Turkish
* Page: 348
* Translation: No Translation

Who is Füreya Koral?
- She is the first woman ceramicist in Turkey and she is the leader or modern ceramics.


"This book is telling about an intelligent and talented ceramicist’s interesting life during first years of the republic."


* Füreya is a cute and curious little girl which comes from a noble family. He is the daughter of Hakkiye, who is the grand-children of a pasha, and Emin Paşa, who has an important place in foundation of new republic. Füreya has a very crowded and rich family. An unfortunate event shakes the whole family. Also starting of the war prostrates them. Their money decreases day by day. They have to abandon their rich life. By the time, Füreya graduates from “Dame de Sion High School” in İstanbul, and also university. Her idol is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Because one day, when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk came to their home and wrote his expectations from Füreya.

Unfortunately, Füreya marries at young age, but he loves her husband. But there, because of her husband’s beatings and alcohol, she loses her baby and gets divorced.

She gets married with Kılıç Ali, who is a friend of Mustafa Kemal, too. Kılıç Ali is very older than Füreya but it is not important to them, they love each other. But Kılıç Ali can’t handle whole the work of government and starts to fight with depression, too. By the time, Füreya catches phthisis.
On the other hand, Füreya starts to mingle with ceramic. She opens an exhibition and becomes a famous artist. She is the first woman ceramicist in Turkey Republic. Life is continuing for all of them…


Füreya Koral: 

She devoted her life to ceramic and she is very ambitious. She is beautiful and hearty. She loves taking risks.

Kılıç Ali:

He is Füreya’s second husband, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s henchman. He loves Füreya. He cannot handle the work after a while.

Fahrunissa (Fahrelnisa) Zeid:

She is the aunt of Füreya, Hakkiye’s sister.  She is an artist, too. She encourages Füreya to start to ceramic.

Aliye Berger:

She is another aunt of Füreya and Hakkiye’s sister. She is a painter. There are not many ages between Füreya and Aliye, so they are like sister, not aunt-niece. She is a bit crazy.

Hakkiye Koral:

She is the mother of Füreya. She not the most beautiful one, but she is the most intelligent one between her siblings. She loves her daughter, and grudges her sisters, especially Aliye, a bit because of their beauty.

Emin Koral:

He is the father of Füreya. He is one of the most important people in the foundation of new republic. He is brave, but a bit angry to his friends, because of some events.


She is another aunt of Füreya, maybe the most beautiful one with her blue big eyes and long blond hair. 


Other Comments:

“Ayşe Kulin has a beautiful language at writing biographic novels. Füreya is the most impressive example of that. I sometimes laughed, I sometimes cried. But it was beautiful. I loved that book.”

My Comments:

“Like all other readers, I loved that book, and I loved the personality of Füreya Koral. I met with a famous artist, and a famous family, noble family. I loved that book, and I recommend it  to everyone!”


* www. edebiyatfakultesi.com

* www.edebiyatogretmeni.net

* rturkdili.comu.edu.tr

* www.kitapyurdu.com

* kitap.antoloji.com

* www.turkceciler.com



is the niece of ,

--> Famous artist Aliye Berger

--> Famous painter Fahrelnisa Zeid

--> Turkey's one of the most famous poets, "Halikarnas Balıkçısı", a.k.a Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı

is the cousin of,

--> Famous painter Nejat Devrim

--> Famous actress Şirin Devrim

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